What Is the Best Way to Store Your Designer Bags?

Tips to Make Sure Your Favorite Bag Lasts As Long As Possible New

Investing in designer bags is a wise move since their value increases over time. If you wish to preserve your collection in excellent shape, there are several guidelines you should follow. Here are some simple tips for organizing and storing your favorite designer bags!

best way to store your designer bags

It’s a good idea to clean it before storing it.

Keeping all your bags clean is very vital, therefore, you have to double-check them before filling them with items or placing them in the dust bag. Use the appropriate fabric for the bag’s material:

  • Leather – Wet cloth
  • Suede – Dry cloth

Vacuum or brush the bag after cleaning it gently from the inside out.

Luxury bags require cleaning them specially, and in the right manner.

Keep in mind that you should carefully take care of every component. This will require that you read the cleaning instructions thoroughly.

Maintain Shape by Stuffing Your Bag and Purse

Your bag and pocketbook will last longer if you keep them upright. One way to maintain the shape of your bag after cleaning it is to gather some paper and stuff it. Using bubble wrap is the best option since it forms the best shape.

An organizer is another way you can use to retain the shape of your purse.

Keep an eye on the paper you’re using — it shouldn’t leave any stains or dirt.

Don’t Ever Hang It

Even though many guides recommend using hooks and hanging your bags, you shouldn’t do so. The reason for this is simple: when you hang the bag, it causes an alteration in its shape, and also causes the handle to wear out. Other methods of bag organization, such as putting them in containers and dustbags, should be used instead.

What Should You Do With That Strap?

Again, no matter the situation you find yourself in, try not to hand your luxury bags on the strap – it will stretch out or crack with time. Instead, carefully roll it up and place it in the bag. You can never tell when you’ll require it! Try not to discard it and keep everything in one location.

Separate Your Bags.

There are several methods to separate your bags while yet maintaining a pleasing appearance.

Boxes and bins

One of the simplest methods is to purchase many boxes of various sizes and arrange your bags accordingly. This can be done with any form of a box, container, or bin. Simply acquire a variety of identical boxes in various colors and forms if you are looking to make the space organized more creatively. This will give your interior a fresh appearance while keeping your bags secure.

Under-the-bed storage

The best way to minimize space is to obtain special cubbies where you can store your bags beneath the bed. This method is a great way to keep them safe.

Shelf dividers

Shelf dividers are quite helpful at keeping your bags isolated from one another and in an upright manner. It is the best option for those that have many bags and want them all to be the same distance apart on the shelf. It’s also an attractive way of storing your bags.


A bookcase is another excellent option for storing your bags. You may arrange them according to their sizes or in whatever order you choose. And the type of bookcase to use shouldn’t be a source of concern; any will suffice. Just remember to use tissue paper to stuff your bags.

Keep Your Dustbag and Box.

One of the most crucial principles to remember while purchasing any bag is:


Both the dust bag and box may be stored on the shelf when you’re using the bag for your daily activities. Clean it, refill it with bubble filler, place it in the dust bag, and keep it in the box when you’re not using it.

Avoid Direct Sunlight.

Because exposing the bag to direct sunlight can damage its material and texture, it’s important to keep it away from the window. If you’re storing your bags on the shelf, then you’ll have to place them in plastic containers. It will also significantly aid in their preservation.

Fresh Air Is Required for Every Bag

If this sentence makes you grin, you’re on the right track. Keeping your bag isolated from the air is not a smart idea. Take your bags out at least once a month to air them and inspect their general condition.

Meticulously following these easy guidelines and recommendations will ensure that your designer bag collection is neatly organized and serve you well for a long time. Simply use your intuition to make all of the valuable designer pieces appear pleasant and secure.